We shake our heads everyday and say to each other that no one would believe half of of the things that we experience. The callousness of people toward animals is hard to bear. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something else crazy happens. Chain of Hope received a message from someone saying… Read more »
I received a call one day from a woman in KCK. She said that there was a momma dog with 2 puppies and they were living under the shed in her neighbor’s back yard. We don’t normally go to KCK, but this woman named Rosa had called everywhere and no one said they could help… Read more »
This is a story about Charles and his beloved, little terrier mix named Mr. Whiskers. Chain of Hope received a call a couple of weeks ago from Charles saying that his little dog had been attacked by a large dog and was injured badly. He said he had no money and no transportation. Judy and… Read more »
We spotted Brownie one day on outreach. He had a nasty wooden dog house, a huge collar around his neck and was on a heavy, twisted chain. He had no food and no water. Definitely a dog we needed to pull over and talk to the owner about. The owner was nice enough. We explained… Read more »
We received a call from a woman who said that she had some friends that had lost their house and they did not have anywhere for their dogs to go so she offered to keep them. She did not let them in the house and this was in the winter. She did not have dog… Read more »
You probably remember the story of Goldie, but in case you don’t here’s a recap and an update. We became aware of this dog in July of 2015. It was a male dog named Goldie. He lived on a chain in the back yard with a nasty wooden dog house. He was skinny and shy…. Read more »
This handsome boy has quite a story. We spotted him on outreach one day over 2 yrs. ago. He was chained under the steps leading up to the back door of a house. He was so cute! He also looked very lonely. We stopped and knocked on the door, but no one was home…. Read more »
I have spoken about this before, but not very often. One of the services that Chain of Hope provides is assisting pets and their owners at the end of the pet’s life. There are a lot of lower income people that dearly love their pets. When their pets are old and suffering, these people often… Read more »
Meet Shira and Sam, mother and son. We came across these 2 dogs a couple of years ago. We saw them chained to the fence and stopped to talk with the owner. It was a young man and his mother that lived there together and the dogs belonged to the son. Neither of them… Read more »
Chain of Hope received a call from a concerned citizen about a rottie chained up in the front of a house. He was on a heavy chain, had an igloo, and appeared to be pretty old. We went over to check on him and discovered that this owner also had 2 more dogs in… Read more »